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Thu, 05 Mar


Organisation for Economic Cooperation an

Integrative Economics Conference

State-of-the-art policy applications emerging from new analytical tools show how methodological innovations and inter disciplinary approaches such as agent-based modelling, nowcasting, machine learning, and network analysis could contribute to better understanding of our complex economies.

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Integrative Economics Conference
Integrative Economics Conference

Date & Location

05 Mar 2020, 09:00 – 06 Mar 2020, 14:00

Organisation for Economic Cooperation an, 2 Rue André Pascal, 75016 Paris, France

About the Event

State-of-the-art policy applications emerging from new analytical tools and techniques  show how methodological innovations and inter disciplinary approaches  such as agent-based modelling, nowcasting, machine learning, and network  analysis could contribute to better understanding of the complexity and  interaction of our economic, financial, social and environmental  systems.

Understanding people to understand the economy is an issue linked to the core mandate and rationale of NAEC.  This conference explores how internal social, emotional and rational  components of behaviour interact to generate observed, often  far-from-rational, individual behaviour. When multiple agents of this  new type move and interact, they collectively generate an astonishing  range of dynamics spanning the fields of social conflict, psychology,  public health, law, network science, and economics.

This conference will also examine new  modelling and analytical approaches to systemic challenges, highlighting  the potential of integrative economics. This will include a systemic  perspective on the environmental system, the economic system, the social  and the financial system. The aim is to demonstrate how new economic  thinking and acting are transforming the way we understand the  socio-economic system and how it is interacting with the environmental  system.

Event details and programme can be found here

Contact for external participants:


Thursday 5 March 2020

Opening Session: 

Gabriela Ramos (OECD Chief of Staff and Sherpa

Laurence Boone (OECD Chief Economist [TBC])

Session 1: Understanding Agent_Zero

Keynote Speaker: Joshua M. Epstein (Professor of Epidemiology, New York University College of Global Public Healt)

Session 2: Systems Modelling

Keynote Speaker: Andy Haldane (Chief Economist and Executive Director for Monetary Analysis and Research, Bank of England)

Session 3: A Systems Approach to the Socio-Economic System 

Keynote Speaker: J. Doyne Farmer (Director of Complexity Economics, Institute for New Economic Thinking, and Santa Fe Institute, and Rebuilding Macroeconomics)

Friday 6 March 2020

Session 5: A Systems Approach to Environmental Challanges

Keynote Speaker: Matheus Grasselli (Professor of Mathematics, McMaster University and the Fields Institute, Toronto)

Session 6: A Systems Approach to the Financial System

Keynote Speaker: Richard Boockstaber (Chief Risk Officer in the Office of the CIO for the Regents of the University of California)

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